
“Echoes” is an exploration of the psychological and physical landscape of my childhood. Growing up in rural New Hampshire fostered a sense of exploration, but also a sense of isolation within a foreboding landscape. The paintings are not slavish depictions of sites, they are a mixture of observation and memory. In the works I portray the unequal balance between the person and nature. The presence of human activity is often secondary – pushed to the edges, or on the verge of succumbing to nature.

I see this series as both a reconciliation with childhood memories, as well as a continuation in the historic tradition of landscape painting – using the natural world as an underpinning for the pastoral and the sublime. With these paintings I offer the viewers a sense of familiarity with the physical and emotional place that balances the specific with the universal.

Echoes : Smaller works

I do small value-studies for a lot of my paintings before they go onto the boards.  Here is a gallery of sketches relating to the Echoes group.

All images are copyright 2011-2017 by Adam Leveille.  All rights reserved.  Please do not use any images without permission, thank you.

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